Friday, 19 April 2013

We cannot expand carbon polluting infrastructure and meet targets

Here is a link to my interview with Bloomberg TV's Michael Crumpton on The Bottom Line, explaining that long-lived infrastructure to increase carbon pollution, like the Keystone XL pipeline, is inconsistent with political promises to do what is needed to avoid a greater than 2 C increase in global average temperatures - and explaining that where we shift away from carbon pollution we can create just as many jobs as has been occurring with good news stories around the world.

1 comment:

  1. What if oil supply comes from different locations, further way from media attention, if Keystone XL is not built? I wish preventing pipelines would make people use less oil. I have a hard time understanding why no supply substitution would occur (there are, unfortunately, many places that can produce oil). I have a hard time understanding how a stong climate policy would stem from a pipeline rejection. But of course, I would rather not see this pipeline, or any pipeline.
