Wednesday, 9 December 2020

Citizen's Guide 4 min videos

Citizen's Guide 4 min videos: Should we support campaigns to halt fossil fuel production?

Citizen's Guide 4 min videos: What are carbon tariffs?

Citizen's Guide 4 min videos: Are electric vehicles part of the climate solution?

Citizen's Guide 4 min videos: Do carbon offsets reduce greenhouse gas emissions?

Citizen's Guide 4 min videos: What is the best climate policy?

Citizen's Guide 4 min videos: The Low Carbon Fuel Standard

Citizen's Guide 4 min videos: Are Fossil Fuels Evil?

 Citizen's Guide 4 min videos: How do climate-concerned citizens get climate-sincere politicians?

 Citizen's Guide 4 min videos: The Zero-Emission Vehicle Mandate

 Citizen's Guide 4 min videos: COVID spending and climate

 Citizen's Guide 4 min videos: Book overview

Tuesday, 19 May 2020

Question and Answer session on The Citizen’s Guide to Climate Success

Here is the video recording of my Question and Answer session on The Citizen’s Guide to Climate Success on May 12, 2020. Thank you to the group, Climate Crisis Legislation Needed Now, particularly Ken Johnson and Kathleen O’Hara.

Wednesday, 13 May 2020

Emergency: The Citizen's Guide to Climate Action

Here is the link to the video of my public talk hosted by Academics for Climate - University of Regina held via Zoom on April 28, 2020 entitled 'Emergency: The Citizen's Guide to Climate Action'. This Zoom talk is part of the Academics for Climate Community Series: Towards a Better Understanding of Climate Change in Saskatchewan, an interdisciplinary series designed to increase public understanding of climate change and its range of impacts - local and global. My talk was in co-sponsorship with Johnson Shoyama Graduate School of Public Policy through the Centre for the Study of Science and Innovation Policy (University of Saskatchewan), and Now What?!.

'A Climate of Change' Interview

My May 7, 2020 interview on the Calgary Climate Hub's 'A Climate of Change' discussing my new book and what actions people can take to help stop climate change.

Thursday, 27 February 2020

Public Talk at Bay Area (Ontario) Climate Change Forum

Here is a link to the a talk I gave on Feb. 26 in Hamilton, Ontario to the Bay Area Climate Change Forum. The event was supported by the Centre for Climate Change Management, in partnership with the Cities of Hamilton and Burlington, and the Ministry of the Environment and Climate Change.

Thursday, 13 February 2020

Sunday, 9 February 2020

The Citizen's Guide to Climate Success - Now Available

The book is available in paperback, hard cover, Kindle/Kobo and Audible.

Follow this link for reviews of "A Citizen's Guide to Climate Success"

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Humanity has failed for three decades to decarbonize our energy system to address the climate threat, yet average citizens still don’t know what to do personally or what to demand from their politicians. For climate success, we need to understand the combined role of self-interested and wishful thinking biases that prevent us from acting effectively and strategically. Fossil fuel and other interests delude us about climate science or try to convince us that every new fossil fuel investment is beneficial. But even climate-concerned people propagate myths that hinder progress, holding to beliefs that all countries will agree voluntarily on sharing the cost of global decarbonization; that carbon offsets are effective; that behavioral change is critical; that energy efficiency and renewable energy are cheap; and that carbon taxes are absolutely essential. For success with the climate-energy challenge, we must strategically focus our efforts as citizens on a few key domestic sectors (especially electricity and transportation), a few key policies (regulations and/or carbon pricing); and the identification and election of climate-sincere politicians. As leading countries decarbonize their domestic electricity and transportation sectors, they must use various measures, including carbon tariffs, to ensure that their efforts spill over to affect the efforts of all countries. And although wealthier countries are unlikely to provide the support that developing countries desire to forego dependence on coal and oil, the combination of tariff threats and the local air pollution and climate benefits from decarbonization will motivate efforts even in these poorer countries. This book offers a clear and simple strategic path for climate-concerned citizens to drive climate success by acting locally while thinking globally.

Meet the MythBuster for climate change - Grist

Friday, 10 January 2020

Endorsements for 'Citizen's Guide to Climate Success'

‘Mark Jaccard gives us very direct, practical steps to make a real difference in the climate crisis – both in our daily lives and with our political powers. This is a potent, smart book that draws on Mark's decades of leadership on climate change, economics, and politics. A crucial read to learn what actions will effectively transform our world from climate crisis to a bright livable future.'
Gregor Robertson - Mayor of Vancouver (2008–2018), and Global Ambassador for the Global Covenant of Mayors for Climate and Energy

‘What is effective climate leadership and how do we overcome political inertia and our biases to ensure swift action? If that's a question that haunts you, Mark Jaccard's The Citizen's Guide to Climate Success is the book for you. With the benefit of decades of experience, research, and designing policy, Mark shares his insights and explores some of the myths and delusions that are holding us back in this well-written and exhaustively researched book. I have more hope for our collective success on climate action after reading Mark's clear, uncompromising analysis. Whether you are a concerned citizen, a journalist, an academic, a student, or an elected politician, you should read this book.'
Tzeporah Berman - International Program Director,

‘A gem. Jaccard welds an activist's passion to a bullshit detector honed by decades of practical experience in the muck of energy policy. Mark has forged a uniquely personal voice out of decades of academic work tempered by hard-won experience in the energy-climate wars. It's smart and relevant yet also fun – finding time to explore the carbon footprint of our sex lives. A bucket of ice water to the face after too many soporific climate books. An impassioned yet dispassionate call to action.'
David Keith - Harvard University, and author of A Case for Climate Engineering

‘Mark Jaccard draws on three decades of extensive expertise and experience from the forefront of academic, national, and international energy policy to dismantle the common myths and skewer the sacred cows that hold us back from the clean energy transition. He doesn't shy away from discussing the difficult, thorny issues of justice and equality, the dirty politics behind policies, and the risks of putting all our eggs in one basket, whether it's nuclear power or carbon pricing. If you've ever wondered what it will take to fix climate change, this book offers the facts, the analysis, and, ultimately, the clarity we need to understand fully the challenges that confront us and the solutions that will lead us to a better future.'
Katharine Hayhoe - climate scientist, Texas Tech University

‘Besides taking an axe to the clichés that dominate the current climate change debate, Mark Jaccard tackles head-on the challenge of creating climate change policies that can achieve sustained political support. This is the book to read if you want a realistic, attainable, and sustainable climate change agenda. It's also a master class in teaching about climate science.'
Michael Ignatieff - President, Central European University

‘Mark Jaccard's new book is essential reading for the concerned citizen. Some of the described 'myths' were deliberate lies, but, armed with this deeply thoughtful book, bringing science and human bias and political foibles together, the engaged voter can find the path to meaningful climate action.'
Elizabeth May - Canadian Member of Parliament and Leader of the Green Party of Canada

‘At a time when all too many have given up hope in the battle to avert catastrophic climate change, Mark Jaccard's important new book The Citizen's Guide to Climate Success provides a roadmap for success. Jaccard details a viable strategy for citizens working together, placing collective pressure on politicians, to adopt policies that will lead to rapid decarbonization of our economy and the avoidance of truly dangerous planetary warming.'
Michael E. Mann - Director, Penn State Earth System Science Center, and co-author of The Madhouse Effect: How Climate Change Denial is Threatening Our Planet, Destroying Our Politics, and Driving Us Crazy

‘If you're looking for a book that cuts through the contention and cant surrounding our climate crisis, this is the place to start. Renowned economist Mark Jaccard identifies and demolishes ten common myths about climate change and humanity's transition to a low-carbon future. Then he shows what steps we should take, as individuals and societies, to address this critical problem effectively. Fearless in challenging received wisdom, and bold in his prescriptions, Jaccard speaks with a clear, brilliantly informed voice about the greatest challenge of our time.'
Thomas Homer-Dixon - University of Waterloo, and author of The Ingenuity Gap

‘I cannot think of another book that covers this ground. Mark Jaccard has done a huge service, helping to lay out the vexed ground of climate information, disinformation, and conflicting conclusions. In doing so, he helps pave the way for a meaningful conversation on effective solutions to the climate crisis. This is a must-read and must-teach book.'
Naomi Oreskes - Harvard University, and author of Why Trust Science?

‘There could not be a more timely guide to taking effective climate action.'
Tim Flannery - author of The Weather Makers